
100次浏览     发布时间:2024-08-09 17:01:00    


In fact, I am not very sad, but I still can't help sighing when I think of it. Maybe I am not lucky enough, there are always some mistakes on the way to be loved.

在我崩溃的瞬间,我什么难听的话都可以说得出,但你要知道我真的很爱很爱你,同时你真的很让我失望。 In the moment of my breakdown, I can say anything bad, but you have to know that I really love you, and you really let me down.


Mouth is you ask me what I think, in fact, I turned around tears are going to fall, or say forget to separate.


I don't regret meeting you, just feel sorry to love so hard for so long, finally is not my I don't angry just feel distressed.

最怕的就是在乎的人说话突然变了口气,那种感觉就像是全世界都不要你了,其实我想说 总有一天你会离开我,那时我会很心酸但也会很勇敢,你不再温暖如初 我也变得不像我,我们都很干脆 你没有回头 我没有挽留。

In fact, I want to say that one day you will leave me, then I will be very sad but also very brave, you are no longer warm as before I also become not like me, we are very simply you did not look back I did not retain.


I've told you that I mind, and I've tried to let you know that I care, but you're still ignoring it, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.


The feeling of falling in love with a person, roughly is to listen to others talk about love, I only think of you.


Maybe the reason for breaking up is so, in fact, there is still each other in my heart, but there are too many things to be together into a torture, so in order to each other finally choose to give up, even say break up need great courage.

单身的好处就是,不吃醋 不流泪 不在乎,不怕失去 不怕离开,不怕被欺骗背叛 不怕自作多情,好像也没有那么差啊。

The advantage of being single is that you don't worry about jealousy or tears. You don't fear to lose or leave. You don't fear to be cheated or betrayed.


I loved a person, from full of joy to full of despair, I use time to prove that I love you, you use time to prove that I am a fool.

她其实早就发现了彼此之间不合适,只是她舍不得这段感情,所以迟迟没有跟你说再见。In fact, she has long found each other is not suitable, but she is reluctant to give up this feeling, so delayed to say goodbye to you.

我没忘记你,但我也要开始新生活了,我会好好的 希望你也一样,人生漫长 我们都好生走路。

I haven't forgotten you, but I'm going to start a new life, too. I'll hope you do the same.